Mental Health Awareness Week 2022

We are currently in Mental Health Awareness Week – a week to think about mental health problems in our society, and to spread knowledge, support and awareness. This year, the specific theme is loneliness and the impact this has on mental health.

For our visitors, loneliness isn’t something that is often directly acknowledged but we know through collecting feedback that not being alone, having friends and likeminded people to talk to, a place to socialise and staff to safely confide in, are key themes that are raised by people that come to Ben’s Centre. We asked guests what they would do if they didn’t come to Ben’s and many gave the same answer – “Probably just sit at home”, “Sit at home drinking”.

Ben’s Centre staff are a shining example of mental health support. Not only are they there to help with the ‘big stuff’ like signposting to tenancy support, substance abuse services and healthcare, but they are also there for the ‘in between things’ – quick check ins, observations of when a guest needs a new coat or warm socks, creative activities to build soft skills. We routinely say that we could put all the building blocks together for someone (house, income, substance services being the main ones), but without all the ‘in between’ they can quickly fall apart. Helping a person build and maintain relationships, hobbies and life skills are part and parcel of the day to day jobs of a Ben’s project worker and our volunteers. We record mental health check ins daily – last year we made around 300 a month.

When new people walk through the door at Ben’s, effort is made by guests to find out their name and invite them to play pool. Many know each other from outside the centre and find it is a place for them to gather, unbothered by stigma and as a safe place to avoid the pressures they may face on the streets. Walking into our Day Centre you’ll find debates on what’s in the paper that day, people watching a movie together and sharing meals. All these little interactions are essential for combatting loneliness and helping to improve our visitors mental health.